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Partnership for Semifonte
“A new public-private pact can only be born if it is not conceived as a substitute for public intervention, but based on sharing the public value of culture with businesses and individual citizens …”
From “Il manifesto della Cultura”, Sole 24 ore
Many companies, large and small, undertake partnership paths with non-profit organizations to pursue causes of public interest as an element of business.
We want to establish a relationship of collaboration with companies and operators, listening and identifying together what the needs are, and creating a relationship of trust.
Companies and operators
There is no rigid formula, but we can create collaborative solutions thanks to which we grow our mutual reputation, showing that we can work well having a common cause in mind: in our case, love for this territory, and respect. for its history, identity and the community that animates it.
The extraordinary story of Semifonte and its still alive myth of a city that challenged power and trade, can certainly create a fascinating background to which your company can approach.
Guides and companions
We collaborate with guides and accompanying partners of the Summofonte enhancement program for the promotion of visiting events and excursions.
It is important to understand what the needs of the operator and visitors are in order to facilitate the creation of “tailor-made” itineraries.
The goal is to make you live the best experience of a living area, guests of a welcoming community.
To request an appointment with the Pro Loco Barberino V.E. Achu Archaeological Group: